Every university creates its own and specific image, symbols and rituals in the course of the years. The symbolic and rituals’ system is not closed but it is constantly renovating.
The symbols of the University of Economics - Varna are its building, the emblem, the flag and the motto.
The building
University of Economics- Varna’s building is also Varna town’ symbol and is part of the cultural monuments’ list. The main stone is laid on 18th of November 1911 and the following construction act is built in the foundations:
“....Today, this 18th day of the year 1911 AD during His Majesty Ferdinand II’s rule, a Bulgarian Tsar the first main stone of the building of the School of trade at the Varna’s chamber of trade and industry was laid. The goal of this educational institution is to provide young people with economic education by dedicating itself to the increasing the level of Bulgarian trade and economy for the well- being and success of the Bulgarian kingdom....”
The building’s project is by Arch.Nikola Lazarov and the construction is managed by Arch.Dabko Dabkov. The construction is delayed because of the wars and eventually finished as late as 1924. The architectural style is in the spirit of the French Renaissance with added elements of the classical western European Baroque.
The design of the main entrance’s fronton is very imposing. It is made by the Varna sculptor Kiril Shivarov and represents a group of two antique figures - the Ancient Greek god Hermes (equivalent to the Roman God of trade Mercury) who holds the traders’ scepter in his left hand and the Ancient Greek goddess of wisdom Athena who has placed an open book on her knees. The Earth is behind the two figures and the laurel branch, a symbol of peace and fame is between them. The idea is to show the unity and world significance of science- trade- industry.
The image of a boat with rowers symbolizes the tenacious, purposeful and team labour which is necessary for every important social achievement. A tower - beak is put on the highest place - a symbol of the guiding role of scientific knowledge.
The motto
The motto of the University of Economics - Varna is ‘With academic traditions in the future’. Nowadays the University of Economics - Varna’s academic community being devoted to history and bound to traditions achieves high standards in education following the European policy of competitiveness of personnel and students’ successful realization.
The image of the symbolic sculpture group on the building’ s fronton, the university’s motto, the name and the year of the higher school’s establishment are entered in the University of Economics - Varna’s emblem.
The flag
The University of Economics - Varna’s flag is in Bordeaux colour (the university’s colour) on which the emblem and the university’s motto are embroidered.
Holidays and rituals
The holiday of the University of Economics - Varna is celebrated on 14th of May by a ceremonial meeting and procession to the Alley of the Bulgarian national revival heroes in the Sea garden. University days are organized every May with different events - international conferences, scientific students’ activity review, concerts and theatre performed by students, sports’ competitions. Traditionally students and lecturers celebrate Students’ day on 8th of December.
The ceremonies for the academic year inauguration, promotions and the university’s holiday are held in the University’s ceremonial hall, built and consecrated in 2011.

Distinctive marks
The distinctive marks during academic sessions are: the Chancellor’s scepter, the university gown, the medallion and the university hat.
The university gown is a symbol of belonging to the society of the enlightened ones who possess the power of knowledge. It is worn during ceremonial events. The gown’ s colour worn by the Chancellor is bordeaux and the Vice Chancellors and deans’ gowns are black. A long silk band in bordeaux colour is laid over them.
The medallion, a distinctive mark of belonging to the academic management, represents a metal circle on which there is a relief image of the university’s building with the university’s name written on it. The chain of the Chancellor’s medallion is in bordeaux and golden and the chains of the Vice chancellors’ and Deans’ medallions are respectively in golden and black and in silver and black. The medallion is worn during ceremonial events.
The scepter is a traditional symbol of the power and reputation of the educational institution and its manager. Three main elements characterize it - a sphere with an inscription "Vita et veritas" (Life and truth), an owl - the symbol of wisdom and a snake winded like a spiral - a symbol of the pervading spirit in knowledge. It is carried by a scepter - carrier during ceremonies.
The university hat is an element of the ceremonial academic wear (a gown and a scarf) of students during promotions. It symbolizes belonging to the university community.
The honorary mark
The University of Economics - Varna’s honorary mark is given for high achievements in the lecturers’ and scientific activity and for contribution to the academic community’s development.
The doctor honoris causa honorary title is conferred to famous personalities with scientific, cultural, social or other merits. The Chancellor reads aloud and presents the nominated person a diploma written in Latin and the university’s honorary mark. The person conferred with this title holds an academic lecture before the university’s community.
Honorable doctors of the university are Prof. Geffrey Sachs, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden in Bulgaria - his Excellency Mr. Sten Ask, the Doctor of economic science Professor Janos Kornai, Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel, Mrs Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO (21 May 2016).
The university’s honorable doctors as well as other distinguished guests of the university traditionally enter their own thoughts, impressions, wishes in the University of Economics - Varna’s Honorable book.