Economics and Commerce, Bachelor’s Degree
What is being taught?
In the course of their study the students in "Economics and Commerce" programme acquire in-depth knowledge of economics and management of commerce.
- broad fundamental education in economics;
- sound specialized training;
- practical skills how to implement theoretical knowledge in practice.
Economics and Commerce students develop expertise and skills to deal with issues in economics, management, logistics and marketing in commerce, financial, accounting and legal aspects of commercial business, development and implementation of business development strategies. The students are able to pitch start-ups, they get training to become commercial entrepreneurs, they are fully aware of the features of different commercial trade sectors, business communications, stock trading, etc.
Specialized knowledge is acquired in the following subjects:
- Introduction into the Business of Commerce;
- Commercial Management;
- Psychology of Commerce;
- Stock Trading;
- International Trade;
- Intellectual Property Trading;
- Logistics;
- Sales Management;
- Commercial Entrepreneurship;
- Commercial Law;
- Hotel and Restaurant Management;
- Business Communications;
- E-commerce;
- Commercial Planning and Analysis;
- Commercial Advertising;
- Small Business Management; etc.
The academic material covers topical subjects in the theory and practice of commerce. The core subjects enable graduates to be competitive in the labour market in the country and abroad.
Graduates receive a diploma and are awarded a Bachelor's degree in Economics with a major in Economics and Commerce.
Employment opportunities upon Graduation:
Economics and Commerce programme has both sector and functional dimensions, as it trains specialists for commerce and companies in different sectors of the economy and public life.
Recently graduated students of that major will be able to find employment:
- at various levels of management in specialized commercial companies, including the big commercial chains and SMEs;
- at executive and top managerial positions in strategic and operating administration at all business units, irrespective of sector or type of ownership;
- as experts and managers in commerce, sales, marketing, logistics;
- as commercial and stock brokers, agents, distributors, representatives, analysts, consultants, etc.;
- starting successfully an independent commercial business of their own in various sectors of the economy.
Who is going to train you?
The Department of "Economics and Management of Commerce" is in charge of the students training. Members of the department are well-reputed academics and consultants in the areas of science academic and business environment and have rich experience.
Head of Department – Assoc. Prof. Violeta Dimitrova, PhD